Friday, November 16, 2012

The Republic of Indonesia ,Overview


Indonesia's climate is characterized by hot and humid throughout the year, especially in coastal areas. The interior highlands are cooler. Besides this, the climate is affected between December and March by heavy monsoon, hampering travel and can cause significant damage and loss. Hence the need to visit the archipelago during the dry season, from April to October. The time of the Christmas holidays and the Indonesian holiday period (after Ramadan), are the high season, during which prices rise a lot and is almost impossible to get accommodation.

Important Information

The requirements to enter Indonesia are different for each country. Nationals of Argentina, Chile, USA, Mexico, EU and Venezuela are the only ones that do not require a visa for stays of up to 60 days. Tourists from other countries, all journalists and business travelers need, in addition to a visa, a special permit. 
The official currency is the rupiah (IDR) and foreign currencies can be easily converted at any bank or exchange house hotel. The change in cash has better rates than travelers checks, on the other hand, are not always accepted. 

 It is recommended that travelers checks are in U.S. dollars. Most major credit cards are received in hotels, restaurants and tourist-oriented shops. In addition, ATMs are plentiful. It is often difficult to get change, so it is recommended to save the small bills and coins for bus tickets, donations in temples or purchase refreshments.The major hotels add a 10% extra for the service bills. If this percentage is not included, it is customary to leave a tip of 5-10%. The porters at airports receiving Rp. 2,000 per bag. Tipping the drivers is not mandatory, but if want to, Rp. 1000 is sufficient for taxi drivers, while a little more is fine for drivers of rental cars. 

There are some health issues that must be taken into account when traveling to Indonesia and are advised to consult the latest updates about at least one month before the trip. Throughout the year malaria is a problem in Jakarta, the resorts of Java and Bali and other major cities. Before traveling you should get polio vaccines (especially those traveling to Java and Sumatra), hepatitis A and B, Japanese encephalitis, and typhus. For those coming from infected areas are asked a requirement for a certificate of vaccination against yellow fever.  
It is also recommended that travelers to areas affected by the tsunamis receive tetanus shots. The mosquito that transmits dengue is common throughout the country and cases of this disease significantly increase during the rainy season. There have been also cases of bird flu, even in humans and, so far, Indonesia has the highest death rate from this disease. While bird flu is not a serious hazard to tourists, avoid contact with birds and eat well cooked and hot any dish containing poultry or eggs. 

 In the east of the province of Nus a Tengarra Anthrax is endemic and reported occasional outbreaks of leprosy. Diarrhea in a big problem for tourists, so you are advised to stick to bottled water only and avoid dairy products, raw meat and salads or unpeeled fruit. The level of care is very low and high costs. It is essential, therefore, to purchase health insurance coverage for the trip. 

After the bombings in Bali in late 2005 has increased the risk of terrorism directed at tourists and foreigners, especially in the West Country. It is necessary to take extra security measures in public buildings and spaces, including transport and terminals, shopping centers and especially in restaurants, hotels and places specifically for tourism. 
Religious conflict between Christians and Muslims and the unstable political situation become unsafe to various parts of Indonesia. There are some places where you should be extremely careful and, if possible, avoid like Sulawesi, mainly central, some areas of Maluku, especially Ambon and Aceh.  

The crime rate in Indonesia is quite high and lesser crimes are quite common in tourist areas and public transport. Have also increased credit card fraud. We must take into account the potential for floods, 
earthquakes and 

tsunamis.While Indonesians understand the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, appreciate that visitors respect their customs. In the month of Ramadan is better not to eat, smoke or drink in public during daylight hours. Visitors should be kind and avoid public displays of affection and anger, some jokes and ridicule are considered extremely vulgar.  

It is considered unfriendly to use the left hand to pass or receive things. The dress is of great importance in public places and temples, especially in regard to women, who must cover their shoulders and legs. In Jakarta is forbidden to give money to beggars, buskers and unofficial tour guides, who did so were exposed to six months in prison and a fine of $ 5,000. Bets are also illegal. 

Where to go The island of Java is the geographical, economic and political development of the archipelago, and home to more than half of the country's inhabitants. This was the place where Hindu and Buddhist empires left some of his best architectural relics as Borobudur and Prambanan. Also you can visit the National Park Bromo-Tengger-SemeruThe site consists of Lombok beaches and tranquil landscapes and little crowded. Dominated by the Rinjani volcano, the people kept alive many of their traditions, evident in their ritual dances and fights. Here it is worth visiting the four cities of Swete, Mataram, and Caimanegara Ampenan. 

Sumatra, four times bigger than Java is an island that has important and attractive wildlife specimens. Here you can visit the small village of Bukit Lawang and attractive Bukittinggi, located in one of the peaks of a group of majestic mountains.The landscape of Bali is so incredible that it's real hard to believe. The slopes are covered with rice terraces, volcanoes beyond the clouds, the clear waters lap the beaches and rainforests attract with their exuberance. Besides enjoying this idyllic landscape can visit Ubud, the cultural center of the island.FestivalsThe Indonesian ethnic variety is reflected in their festivals and celebrations. Between February and March are held war games in Sumba commemorating wars of mutual annihilation. Between March and April takes place New Year's Eve caka Balinese, during which, the sound of the drums to scare away evil spirits, bathe in the waters of the icons of the temples.  

Another important festival is the festival of Galungan Balinese, dated variables, which says that the gods descend to earth to join the festivities earthly. It also pays to be present on the island of Larantuka important for Easter procession and Ruteng for duels of whips in August. In addition, between August and October are celebrated funeral banquets Trojans in Sulawesi. If you are thinking of organizing an itinerary that includes some of these festivals should be aware that many events are governed by the lunar calendar, which means that the dates vary a few days from one year to another.

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