Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Big Show animated expected in December

The international exhibition of animation and comics will be held in Beijing from 1 to 9 December ,
Event sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Beijing Municipal Government and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the ICAC is the largest international entertainment business which is held in Beijing.

 More than thirty publishers and animation about one hundred and fifty animation companies from the United States, Japan, France and South Korea participate in the exhibition. They bring more than twenty animated films and more than three thousand products animation for the exhibition.

 This appointment is also in collaboration with the prices of the Chinese Academy, an institution of authoritative assessment in the field of comics and animation, which will evaluate a series of works drawn, animated films and music students from Chinese universities and colleges.

 These colleges and universities that participate in the selection include Tsinghua University, Beijing University, Fudan University and the Institute of Sichuan Fine Arts .

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