Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Appeal for a Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy in prison for seven years

The ordeal of Younis Mash, a Christian sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, who was 26 when he was arrested and has been in prison and seven, is symbolic for all cases of false accusations of blasphemy that affect religious minorities: Younis is a wrongly accused man who has ruined his life, marked by years of imprisonment and suffering. Yesterday, November 13, was held at the Lahore High Court, the appeal hearing in the trial of Younis Mash, sentenced to death on May 30, 2007 by a trial court on the basis of art. 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code for alleged blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad. 

The complaint against him was filed on September 10, 2005, and the next day he was arrested Younis. Since then he is behind bars and his family, consisting of a wife and four minor children, lives the tragic absence of the father and struggle every day to survive.During first grade, Younis Mash tried to apologize, saying its full respect for the Prophet Muhammad and give reasons why his accusers had launched maliciously false accusations against him.

 In fact, the complainant, Hafiz Abdul Aziz, then 27 years old, Muslim, often frequented the Christian colony, where he lived Younis, to harass Christian girls.

 Younis and other friends had warned and had a fight with him. However, the judge did not believe him and sentenced him to death.As reported to Fides, the Catholic lawyer and human rights defender, Naeem Shakir, who has now taken the case, is preparing the appeal process. 

 In yesterday's hearing, the prosecution failed to appear and the Court has set up forwarding, setting the next hearing for December 17, 2012. "After seven years in prison and immense suffering for him and his family, we hope that the truth be established soon," says the lawyer Naeem Shaker Fides. For Rimsha and awareness of the public about Pakistani about the abuse that is made of the blasphemy law, he explains, could benefit Younis Mash.

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