Monday, November 19, 2012

China more flexible regulation on permanent residency for foreigners

Foreigners who have lived in China 10 consecutive years will be eligible for the "green card" , according to a draft of a proposed regulation.
The document and other amendments intended to ease the requirements now required to grant permanent residence, are currently being evaluated by the Ministry of Public Security.
 an expert on immigration issues Beijing Institute of Technology, revealed that the ministry proposed to lower the threshold for those applying for this status during a symposium held last August, and is evaluating the reaction of experts.

The aim of the measure, according to Liu, is recruiting most immigrants field leading technologies for more than 10 years living in China and want to apply for permanent residence, provided they have spent at least nine months each year in the country. Many of them have jobs, housing and a good tax registration. The success of your application no longer depend on their position.
The current regulation requires applicants in the technology sector, a deputy general status or Associate Professor (or higher) for at least four successive years.
If the new proposal is approved, more foreigners will be eligible for a residence permit.
the Ministry of Public Security, said in October that his department is working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a document that could lead to greater issuance of residence permits . 

 The Ministry of Public Security confirmed that the proposed regulation is being prepared, but did not give more information because of the sensitivity of the matter.

China began to grant residence permits to foreigners in 2004. From then to date, more than 4,700 citizens of other countries have received this status.
Police in Beijing, about 850 foreigners have applied for the permit and more than 780 had been cleared until mid-October.
China approved about 248 applications per year in the technology sector from 2004 to 2011, a low rate for a country eager for knowledge, said Liu, who attributed these poor figures to the rigorous regulations.
"The current method of assessing the contribution of foreigners to China by the range of his post is biased and also deters other experts to come, he added.
In addition to evaluating the position of the applicants, Liu recommended the Government to classify foreign sectors and make a relationship with the professions most needed for potential immigrants.
As for immigrant investors to applicants that establish a company, Liu said that the proposal also suggests reducing investment criteria.


The first Chinese law covering the entrances and exits of Chinese and foreign, Regulatory Law and Out, was approved in June and will take effect in July 2013, will lead the increase in the number of green cards.
Huiyao Wang, deputy director of the China Talent Research, an institute of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said the government is also considering expanding the use of permanent residence permits.
HR authorities soon issued a document will give people who have green cards have the same rights as Chinese citizens, except the right to elect and be elected.
Under the new document, those with the card can be used as vede the travel certificate, in addition to registering at hotels, he said.
"Most importantly, the permit is expected to eventually build a personal network by associating the bank account, the number of insurance and health account. This will make life easier for foreigners, "he said.
 Require a minimum of 10 years living in the country, since China is one of the most popular in the world.the residence permit for foreigners provide a sense of security, especially those who are married and have children.The green card applicants normally have spent much of his life in China and are deserving of the advantages of a residence permit.

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