Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The new version of Aakash (Tablet) is the cheapest in the world costs $ 20

Japan Display conglomerate, created a year ago by the giants Hitachi, Toshiba and Sony with the idea of ​​making LCD screens for tablets, smartphones and mobile devices, plans to double its production by 2014 through increasing investment in China.
The Japanese group plans to invest between 20 billion and 30 billion yen ($ U.S. 250 million to 375 million, approximately) to automate their production chain, to add components and perform final assembly of the product.

Display Japan currently has four manufacturing plants in China LCD, one in Taiwan and one in the Philippines, in addition to buying the Panasonic factory located in Chiba, a town on the outskirts of Tokyo, dedicated to the first phase of production of this type of display. The planned investment by Japan Display, a world leader in this sector with a market share of 20%, enters into a second phase of expansion that will bring their plants at full capacity, according to the Nikkei newspaper.
With this plan expected in fiscal 2014, ending in Japan in March 2015, the company can double its monthly production up to 47,000 small and medium LCD screens, twice the level estimated for this 2012.

 in India, the Government introduced the new version of the world's cheapest tablet, Aakash 2.0, which includes a number of improvements and will be delivered at a subsidized price to some 220 million students in this country.
The upgraded version of Aakash (sky in Sanskrit) was presented at the National Education Day. The tablet has a 1GHz processor, 512 MB of RAM, a seven-inch screen and a battery life of three hours.

 Its starting price is 1,130 rupees (U.S. $ 20) for Indian students and exactly twice in the market. The device has been developed by British company Datawind, who chairs the Indo-Canadian Suneet Singh Tuli, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Big Show animated expected in December

The international exhibition of animation and comics will be held in Beijing from 1 to 9 December ,
Event sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Beijing Municipal Government and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the ICAC is the largest international entertainment business which is held in Beijing.

 More than thirty publishers and animation about one hundred and fifty animation companies from the United States, Japan, France and South Korea participate in the exhibition. They bring more than twenty animated films and more than three thousand products animation for the exhibition.

 This appointment is also in collaboration with the prices of the Chinese Academy, an institution of authoritative assessment in the field of comics and animation, which will evaluate a series of works drawn, animated films and music students from Chinese universities and colleges.

 These colleges and universities that participate in the selection include Tsinghua University, Beijing University, Fudan University and the Institute of Sichuan Fine Arts .

Monday, November 19, 2012

China more flexible regulation on permanent residency for foreigners

Foreigners who have lived in China 10 consecutive years will be eligible for the "green card" , according to a draft of a proposed regulation.
The document and other amendments intended to ease the requirements now required to grant permanent residence, are currently being evaluated by the Ministry of Public Security.
 an expert on immigration issues Beijing Institute of Technology, revealed that the ministry proposed to lower the threshold for those applying for this status during a symposium held last August, and is evaluating the reaction of experts.

The aim of the measure, according to Liu, is recruiting most immigrants field leading technologies for more than 10 years living in China and want to apply for permanent residence, provided they have spent at least nine months each year in the country. Many of them have jobs, housing and a good tax registration. The success of your application no longer depend on their position.
The current regulation requires applicants in the technology sector, a deputy general status or Associate Professor (or higher) for at least four successive years.
If the new proposal is approved, more foreigners will be eligible for a residence permit.
the Ministry of Public Security, said in October that his department is working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a document that could lead to greater issuance of residence permits . 

 The Ministry of Public Security confirmed that the proposed regulation is being prepared, but did not give more information because of the sensitivity of the matter.

China began to grant residence permits to foreigners in 2004. From then to date, more than 4,700 citizens of other countries have received this status.
Police in Beijing, about 850 foreigners have applied for the permit and more than 780 had been cleared until mid-October.
China approved about 248 applications per year in the technology sector from 2004 to 2011, a low rate for a country eager for knowledge, said Liu, who attributed these poor figures to the rigorous regulations.
"The current method of assessing the contribution of foreigners to China by the range of his post is biased and also deters other experts to come, he added.
In addition to evaluating the position of the applicants, Liu recommended the Government to classify foreign sectors and make a relationship with the professions most needed for potential immigrants.
As for immigrant investors to applicants that establish a company, Liu said that the proposal also suggests reducing investment criteria.


The first Chinese law covering the entrances and exits of Chinese and foreign, Regulatory Law and Out, was approved in June and will take effect in July 2013, will lead the increase in the number of green cards.
Huiyao Wang, deputy director of the China Talent Research, an institute of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said the government is also considering expanding the use of permanent residence permits.
HR authorities soon issued a document will give people who have green cards have the same rights as Chinese citizens, except the right to elect and be elected.
Under the new document, those with the card can be used as vede the travel certificate, in addition to registering at hotels, he said.
"Most importantly, the permit is expected to eventually build a personal network by associating the bank account, the number of insurance and health account. This will make life easier for foreigners, "he said.
 Require a minimum of 10 years living in the country, since China is one of the most popular in the world.the residence permit for foreigners provide a sense of security, especially those who are married and have children.The green card applicants normally have spent much of his life in China and are deserving of the advantages of a residence permit.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dream come true! , The Taj Mahal in Dubai

"Imagine! ...". Caressing voice of the speaker. Jingle, fades, a thousand lights in the night Arabic. "Imagine how will this dream come true! ...". The most replicated on the TV spot of the Gulf is a compulsion to imagine that you do not spring from the airport to the screens hotel. 

 The advertising to the drilling action drills that are building the complex of Taj Arabia, the Eighth junk in the world: an artistic heritage do-it-yourself with the new Taj Mahal in Dubai who will be joined by the new Tower of Pisa in Dubai, which will shadow the new Eiffel Tower in Dubai, which will stand on the new Great Wall of Dubai, which will surround the new Pyramids of Dubai ... More than one spot, an oxymoron: it is not just a beautiful dream nothing compared to last, gigantic example of architecture Frankenstein


The Taj Mahal 2.0 will be ready in a couple of years, when we took twenty to the original. Will be four times larger, and instead of cenotaphs, will have a 300-room hotel with attached casino, racecourse,
It will not be a tomb for the wife of the emperor, but first thalamus for couples on their honeymoon. It will not be the "castle in the air" that enchanted Bayard Taylor, if anything, a land investment "admire the great works all together." A billion dollars, a hundred square kilometers in marble, fountains, niches, minarets, domes, gardens, lotus leaves and Koranic calligraphy carved: all the same, grooved without imagination, without dreams.

                                              $1bn (£621m) project   

Hong Kong's Causeway Bay world's most expensive shopping areas

 Causeway Bay on Hong Kong Island, has become the most expensive shopping district in the world, surpassing the Fifth Avenue in New York .
"The first of this year's ranking of Hong Kong," the cabinet said in a statement received on Friday. "Despite the economic slowdown, dealers still consider this market as the ideal platform to enter mainland China."

 The square meter is currently rented to 22,307 euros on average per year, against 21,204 euros in New York. The Champs Elysee's in Paris are now in the third place worldwide (to 9573 euros per m2), after being fifth in 2011.Al trio followed Ginza (Tokyo), Pitt Street Mall (Sydney) and New Bond Street (London).


 According to the annual survey , the commercial rental rates are driven by distributors in the luxury sector, waging a fierce competition to be on the sites 'most wanted .

The Asia Pacific region includes five of the ten most expensive shopping districts in the world, the emergence test in this area has a middle class that increasingly more resources.

History of Indonesia

Indonesia is a country whose territory is occupied for thousands of years, not in vain here lived the Java Man, one of the oldest on record. The history of this archipelago before and after becoming a country is impressive, it is a story full of historical moments.Java Man, the Papuans, Malays, Polynesians ... all of them were going through here, until the Europeans arrived, and until today. 

Indonesia is Southeast Asia, which is why this is a region with important business contacts with countries like India or China, constructed its civilizations, an activity that being on the coast of Sumatra, near the Straits of Malaka, this Archipelago was an important geostrategic location.In Java, for example, the kingdoms that had happened in their best expressions monuments, is why Indonesia is a country with a wide range of religious temples to visit Buddhist temples such as Borobudur, the largest this religion exists worldwide. 
Already in our era, during the time of the Buddhists, and the Indians began to appear the first Indian Muslims, a situation that began in the eighth century and that today results in an Indonesia that has the largest Muslim population in the world. 

The Europeans arrived in Indonesia until well into the sixteenth century, in particular the Portuguese were first to do so, interested in trade, after the Dutch arrived, the creation of the East India Company, and the business of sugar and coffee. In the nineteenth century the Dutch controlled much of the archipelago, area, and global trade in these products. The Dutch took control of the area, a situation that lasted until 1945 when after a Japanese invasion of the island in August 1945, with the Dutch out of it and just defeated Japan in World War II, Indonesia proclaims independence and the Republic of Indonesia, endorsed in 1949. 

Indonesia thus becomes one of the first democracies in the region, a situation that is short, since a coup in 1965 gives power to the dictator Suharto, a general who had the support of the CIA to overthrow the left government. It's when the economy becomes embroiled in a crisis by falling oil prices in the 70s. Suharto was in power until almost the XXI century, in an era of confrontation and tension, until the first democratic elections in 1999. 

Today, Indonesia is torn between his problems of different religions in the country, hardly unifiable, and tourism that seeks emerging in places like Riau, Bali or Jakarta its wonderful beaches and its equally impressive and comfortable hotels to stay during their holidays in Indonesia, an ideal place to spend your vacation in one of 6,000 islands.


Malaysia has grown from a developing country that depended on the production and export of raw materials, to become one of the most rapidly industrialized and third richest in Southeast Asia. Under the New Economic Policy (NEP) launched in 1970, which sought a better distribution of national income and diversify the structure and ownership of the economy, hitherto dominated by the Chinese community (which caused several ethnic clashes), Malaysia has become one of the leading producers of electronic components in the world. It was also the first country in Southeast Asia to develop a national car .

When the NEP ended in 1990, the industry accounted for almost 30% of gross domestic product (GDP), a high figure compared with 20% a decade earlier, in 2002 accounted for 33.5% of GDP. In the early 1990s, industrial products accounted for nearly 60% of total revenue from exports, and today the figure is similar. In 2006, construction accounted for 2.70 percent.
The tertiary industry also expanded very rapidly under the NEP and services today are the most important economic activities. In 2006 accounted for 41.3% of GDP. Tourism, like financial services, has grown substantially since the 1970s and today provides numerous foreign exchange earnings. Since the 1990s, Malaysia is a major tourist destination, with 17.5 million visitors in 2006, which was 4.018 million dollars of foreign exchange earnings.


Although over 90% of tourism visits peninsular Malaysia, tourism in Sabah and Sarawak is also growing.
Under the NEP, Malaysia's economy grew faster than its population growth rates were an average of about 6% per annum between 1970 and 1990. In 2006 the gross domestic product (GDP) was estimated at 150,672,000 dollars. This amounted to $ 5,769.90 per capita, one of the highest in Southeast Asia. In 1991 the federal government launched the ambitious "Vision 2020" to turn Malaysia into a developed country by that year. Economic growth during the period 1990-2002 reached 6.2% annually.